It’s a “Family Media Poster Making Contest” for the 45th World Communications Day Celebration launched last July 3, 2011 by the Daughters of Saint Paul, Pasay City, Philippines. The celebration which revolved around the theme; “Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age” was held at the FSP Pasay Auditorium, participated by the families of the stay-in Paulines Lay Mission Partners. At least nineteen colorful and well-crafted poster entries were submitted to fit the criteria which include; Originality – 40%, Relevance to the Theme – 25 %, Overall Impact – 25%. Sr.Melba Lobaton, fsp and the family of Mr. Charlie Bognot, a Pauline friend, were the judges. Sr.Consolacion Ducusin, fsp and Sr. Clothilde de las Llagas, fsp prepared the prizes and gifts.
Sr. Clothilde explained the relevance of the contest in connection with the theme which underlined how the digital media which include; radio, television, cellphone, internet and social networks such as facebook and twitter affected family inter-action and relationship in post modern age. Each participant validated the theme of the contest by sharing the content of their poster entry. Interesting to note that most of the entries were concretized not only by parents effort but by the childrens as well. Richard and Marlene Mandalupe, lmp’s who won the first prize stated: “All knowledge that human being wanted to grab can be surfed in the Internet. Thou all of these are created by the new media, not all are healthy for human growth, not all contents of the internet, google, facebook, twitter etc. are sound, many are of bad influence specially to the youth.” They also advised the parents to always keep watch and use the new media responsibly so that it will truly enhanced family harmony and not disintegration. They concluded saying that using the digital media properly is an expression of love to the family, to others and to God.
The activity closed with the powerpoint presentation of Sr. Consolata Manding, fsp underlining the Church perspective on the authenticity of life in the digital age.