Media Education Begins From Where Individuals are
Every person emerges from diversified cultures, hence, varied socio-economic status, value system, beliefs, perceptions, opinions, needs, interests and different media exposures. Given emphasis in media education are:
WHAT individuals already know about the media
WHO says 'what' to certain media issues
WHY individuals' interests are captured by the media
and HOW media works in different ways with individuals.
We value this wealth of ‘meanings' in every person, but at the same time, we also believe that this will bring ‘self-fulfillment' to them - only if these experiences will give real meaning to their life.
Today, MEDIA has claimed a huge share in people's daily experiences. It "does not only influence their culture... our culture. Media, in fact, is already our culture".
Through media education we can help make a difference for life-long skills.