The Commission On Spirituality organized a series of Liturgical Animations for all the communities in Pasay for 3 consecutive Saturdays at the Alberione Auditorium, Pasay City, Manila. This is in response to the evaluation of the Sisters’ liturgical life held last April 30 and May 8, 2010.
On September 4, 2010, Sr. Evangelina Canag, FSP, member of the Commission on Spirituality gave an input on Lectio Divina, its history, dimensions, different interpretations and models of Lectio Divina. In order to achieve an integral formation and mission, one has to be deeply rooted in the Word of God.
On September 11, 2010, Sr. Maria Cecilia Payawal, PDDM, Liturgy Professor in Maryhill School of Theology, discussed on “The Liturgy of the Hours”, its Origin and History, Nature and Essence, Elements, Symbolism, and General Instructions of the Liturgy of the Hours. Every liturgical celebration is an encounter, communion and reconciliation with God.
On September 18, 2010, Sr. Graziella, Aseberos, PDDM, member of Commission on Liturgical Environment and Art in the Archdiocese of Manila, talked about “The Eucharist”, its essential elements in the life of the Church. She discussed the historical background, liturgical shape of the Eucharistic celebration and elements essential in the life of the Church. She acknowledged the beauty and the challenge of the Pauline charism and quoted Alberione who repeatedly told his spiritual children: “You were born from the Eucharist.”
Through the seminars, the Sisters understand better their liturgical and spiritual life.