Daughters of Saint Paul

Governing In The Spirit Of Discernment Seminar Workshop

A 3-day seminar workshop on Governing in the Spirit of Discernment was conducted last October 8-10, 2010 at Paulines Communication Center, Pasay City, participated by forty seven (47) sisters composed of the Provincial Government, Local Superiors, Formators, and Sector Heads. The Seminar-Workshop was facilitated by the members of the Asia- Pacific Coordination Team (APCT) namely: Sr. Evangelina Canag, Sr. Anne Plathara and Sr. Teresina Kim.

On the first two days of the seminar-workshop, Sr. Evangelina Canag gave a very enriching input on “Governing With A Discerning Heart and Acquiring A Discerning Heart” and “Prudential Judgment.” She discussed the Methodology, Steps For Personal and Communal Discernment, Community Decision Using Prudent Judgment, Role and Responsibilities of a Facilitator, and Role of the Members in Group Discussion.

On the last day, Sr. Anne Platara gave a very challenging input on “Prophetic Leadership” followed by an open forum. The seminar-workshop was concluded by a very animating and meaningful Eucharistic adoration led Sr. Teresina Kim who also took charge of all the prayers before and after each session. Series of workshops on the topic of Vocation were given in a form of Group Sharing, Role Play, Personal and Communal Discernment. The seminar-workshop is one of the highlights of this year’s Annual Superiors’ Meeting which was also graced by one of the General Councilors, Sr. Inocencia Tormon, FSP.

This is the first animation given by Asia-Pacific Coordination Team who will give animation to the FSP Sisters in Selangor, Malaysia on November 30-December 16, 2010. The Asia-Pacific Coordination Team (APCT) is an offshoot of the Continental Meeting on the Redesigning of our Presences held in Pasay City, Manila, Philippines on September 9-20, 2009.