Where to celebrate our 75th Foundation Anniversary and with whom? We chose a parish whose church is still under construction, whose parishioners – majority of them – are hard put to own a bible, whose GKK (Gagmay’ng Kristohanong Katilingban) communities are quite active, whose priest-coordinator (2 years ordained) is zealous to the bones. We wanted some assurance that the bibles to be given would not gather dust but would be used properly. This we felt in San Alfonso de Liguori Parish, Mandug, Davao City.
Arriving ahead of time, we had a bookdisplay at the church’s side door set up by Srs. Elpie and Terry for those coming to the 8:00 AM Mass. The display was then transferred to the hall and given to the care of the APC (Association of Pauline Cooperators).
Starting our main activity at around 9:00 AM, we had three groups at different areas in the church compound: adults (100+), teenagers (32), and children (70+). The adults had the bible explained to them till 2:30 PM by Sr. Rica. The teenagers had media awareness given by Sr. Tina. And the children who were supposed to view a 30-minute Gospel DVD had only action songs and games, because the unfinished church was too bright for a video showing. But our volunteer action leaders – five girls and three boys – made up for it. So much so that even those watching the children (APCs and Sr. Terry) joined them in singing with gusto. (And those five girls are vocation prospects.)
Morning snacks was sponsored by the APC. But lunch was BYOB (bring your own baon). The afternoon session which resumed at 1:00 PM was solely for the adults’ Bible catechesis. It was concluded in the Jubilee Mass at 3:00 PM with a ritual after the Gospel reading: a prayer and promise to read and pray the Bible, at least 5-10 minutes everyday. The homily of the main celebrant Fr. Jorge Angga, the GKK coordinator, emphatically developed the theme of thanksgiving. The concelebrant was Fr. Albert Bernal, SSP (Society of St Paul) who had to turn down a previous appointment. Other members of the Pauline Family who came for the Mass were the PDDM (Pious Disciples of the Divine Master) and one from the Institute of the Holy Family. The APC were around the whole day. The choir, its voice quality, being composed of children, was extraordinarily uplifting. The Mass was concluded with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then everybody went to the hall for a cold drink and a piece of bread sponsored by a pair of donors. After we had our fill, the donors asked us to bring home the extra boxes of drinks. Back in the convent for our evening praise, we had a spontaneous thanksgiving prayer for all that had been in this jubilee preparation and celebration. Praise the Lord!