The feast of St Paul was celebrated in a small scale by the community of FSP Selangor, Malaysia on 30 June 2015 because the major celebration was in Kuching, Sarawak on the perpetual profession of Sr. Roseling Siaw which fell on the same day. Sr. Daisy Pondaag, from Indonesia, renewed her vows a few days earlier.
Fr Albert Arokiasamy, the parish priest of Our Lady of Gaudalupe, Puchong celebrated the Mass. In his short but sweet homily he said that St Paul was such an ardent missionary apostle that after his conversion to the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, he gave up his life for the good news. Fr Albert stressed three important points in the vocation and mission of St Paul: firstly, to know the truth; secondly, to live the truth; and thirdly, to bring the truth in love to all peoples. The truth is Jesus Christ. If not for St Paul, it is not certain whether Jesus would be known today, he added. He concluded by saying this is also the mission and vocation of Christians today: to live and announce the truth about Jesus Christ, who is the good news to all peoples and to the whole world.
The Mass in the chapel of the Daughters of St Paul was attended by dedicated Pauline Cooperators and Bro. Augustine Julian, fsc. This little crowd was filled with joy to hear this priest echoing the beauty of St Paul’s vocation and mission, and which is entrusted to the Daughters of St Paul and the Pauline Cooperators in this part of the world.