Daughters of Saint Paul

CAGAYAN DE ORO: FSP Centenary and World Communications Day

The talk “Living the Life that Matters” of Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP was the highlight of the two-fold celebration of the Centenary of the FSP Foundation and the 49thWorld Communications Day on July 15, 2015, at Our Lady of Manaoag Chapel, Limketkai Mall, Cagayan de Oro City.

Fr. Mario gave a soul-searching presentation of living a fruitful life and leading others towards a more meaningful life. He said that one must realize that he is only a passerby, and he leaves behind the treasures, fame, power and people whom he hold dear when he dies. A rich person is not he who has the most material things but he who has the least needs.

Furthermore, he said that the true character of a person will be revealed by how he manages himself when he has nothing, and how he acts when he has everything. In the end what matters most is what one has built, what one has shared; not his competence but his character.

The event was graced by the presence of Sr. Noemi Vinoya, FSP Provincial Superior, Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ, DD, the friends and benefactors of the FSPs through the years.

Sr. Noemi welcomed the assembly of priests, religious and laity who came from as far as Camiguin and from different parishes of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro. Despite the fact that it was a working day, more a thousand people came.

The half day event culminated with the Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Mario with Fr. Gary Igot, SSJV, Director of Catholic Family Life in the Archdiocese (CFLA). Due to time constraint, plaques of appreciation for the benefactors of the Pauline mission were not distributed but will be handed to them personally.

Sr. Gina Rama, FSP CDO Superior, thanked the assembly for their presence and for their support of the mission of the Daughters of St. Paul.