By: Sr. Loren Briones, fsp
Sr. Shalimar Rubia and Sr. Lucia Kim, general councilors of the Daughters of St. Paul gave a 2-day animation to the new PMPT provincial government (Sr. Noemi Vinoya, provincial superior; Sr. Catherine Bacay, vice-provincial; Sr. Purificacion Barrientos, cuncilor; Sr. Josephine Olmilla, councilor; Sr. Melba Lobaton, councilor; Sr. Lorena Briones, provincial secretary; and Sr. Ruby Domnina Alarcon, provincial bursar) on August 22-24, 2015, at Paulines Communication Center, Pasay City.
The speakers profoundly presented the following topics: Called to serve in a spirit of communion, joy, and hope; Methodological Guidelines for the life and activity of the government; Administering the gifts that God gives us; The Circumscription project; Relationship between the general and circumscription governments –Communication-Information-Documentation.
In their exposition, the general councilors highlighted that service of authority is a gift from God and it is an act of love. They also emphasized the importance of prayer, unity, and dialogue. They also discussed the responsibilities of each member of the Provincial Government.
Aside from the input, the new provincial government was given time for personal prayer/reflection and group sharing. They ended the two-day animation with a Eucharistic Adoration thanking God for the gift of service and asking Him, in humility and faith, for the graces they need to carry out the governing service with His own attitude of service and total self-donation.