Daughters of Saint Paul

CAT CHAT, a weekly online Catechism program

Cat Chat, a combination of Catechism and Chat is a 12-15 minute program on the Catechism of the Catholic Church presented in a simple and casual style of infotainment, a blend of information and entertainment.   

Hosted by Sr. Gemmaria Dela Cruz, FSP and Fr. Paul Marquez, SSP, the program aims to promote the knowledge of the Catholic faith, the meaning of the sacraments and liturgy, as well as its importance in our life, moral formation and missionary spirit as expression of thanksgiving to God for the gift of faith received from the first missionaries in the Philippines.

Premiered on 2021 April 6, the program is uploaded every Tuesday on Facebook and Youtube.

The year-long special online evangelization is an offering of the Daughters of Saint Paul to all Filipino Catholics here in our country and abroad in celebration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines. 

Viewers send in their questions and points for clarification in video format, which the hosts show and discuss during the program. Likewise, they also post their thoughts and messages in the facebook and youtube comment section. 

Catechetical apostolate has been in the mind of Blessed James Alberione for the Daughters of Saint Paul. In fact, he had inculcated upon the Daughters of Saint Paul the importance of catechesis in evangelization and aimed to use the modern means of communication to speed on its transmission. Now, in this special time of celebrating our faith, we strive to live more profoundly the legacy our beloved founder handed down to us. Faithful to our charism, we praise God and continue to serve the people through the fastest means, and creative way of evangelizing.