KENINGAU, Sabah – Sr. Bibianah Dunsia facilitated a half-day recollection organized for the staff of the Keningau Diocesan online radio on 3 Jan 2021 at Tatal Retreat Centre here.
The 13 participants comprised the radio presenters and sound production crew of the Kekitaan FM Online Radio that was launched on 3 Oct 2020 at the Immanuel Catechetical Building in Keningau. Since it is cloud based, it has the capacity and power to reach millions of people not only within the diocese but in other areas and countries as well.
To mark its third month of operation, the diocese organized the recollection for the staff. Sr. Bibianah was invited by Bishop Cornelius Piong of Keningau to give some motivational inputs based on the theme Chosen to be a prophet to deliver God’s Message.
The inputs dealt with the coordination of the vision and mission of the online radio with that of the diocese as well as on the ethics of being the ears and mouthpiece of the diocese as radio presenters or supporting crew.
In his homily at the thanksgiving Mass, Bishop Cornelius gave the background on how the online radio came about. He said the idea of starting the online radio came through an inspiration of the Holy Spirit as a means of reaching out to people who could not come to church at a time when the Movement Control Order (MCO) was imposed by the civil government in the country to curb the spread of the coronavirus Covid 19.
After the homily, the online radio staff renewed their commitment to exercise their call to be proclaimers of the Good News on the air. They formally received their certificates of appointment from the bishop.
After Mass, the head of the social communication commission, Didiroy Joneh, also the chairman of the online radio, thanked the bishop and Fr. Clement Abel, the spiritual director, for their support and guidance. He also thanked the radio presenters and crew for their collaboration and service in realising the project.
The day ended with a dinner fellowship at the hall, marked with entertainment to also celebrate the new year. – Sr. Bibianah Dunsia, fsp