Three Daughters of St. Paul, namely, Sr. Consolacion Ducusin, Sr. Santiaga Carrido, and Sr. Marlene Deuna celebrated the 50th anniversary of their religious profession during a Thanksgiving Mass on the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 25 January 2024.
Held at the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary in Pasay City, the Eucharistic celebration was presided by Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP, provincial superior of the Society of St. Paul. Concelebrating priests included eight other Pauline priests and one SVD (Society of the Divine Word), a brother of Sr. Marlene. Members of the Pauline Family, families of jubilarians, friends, benefactors, and lay collaborators attended the event.
Citing the example of St. Paul’s life, whose paradigm changed upon meeting Christ, Fr. Sobrejuanite in his homily said that a paradigm shift happened in our life as well when we professed our vows to follow Christ more closely in consecrated life. He emphasized the challenge of staying true to the gift of vocation given to us.
The celebration was themed “Celebrating God’s fidelity.” A simple agape with family, friends and benefactors followed after the Eucharist.