Daughters of Saint Paul

BAGUIO: New Pauline Cooperators Inducted

On June 30, 2015, feast of St. Paul the Apostle, five members of the Association of Pauline Cooperators in Baguio City made their solemn promise to commit their life for the proclamation and diffusion of the Gospel in the forms and spirit of the Pauline Family.

The newly-inducted members are: Dr. Romeo O. Abiog, Mr. Magno Pablo, Mr. Frederick Taynan, Mrs. Erlinda Esposto, and Mrs. Naty Chiok.

It was Sr. Guistina Vargas, FSP who accompanied them in their formation and study in preparation for this commitment.





The newly-inducted members with the FSP Baguio community and Fr. Tony Atole, SSP and Fr. Nonong Botavara, SSP.

The newly-inducted members with Sr. Justin Vargas, FSP, Fr. Tony Atole, SSP and Fr. Nonong Botavara, SSP.