Daughters of Saint Paul

Sharing the Word of God in the cemetery?

“Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.” (1 Cor 9:16)

In their desire to bring the good news to all families in all parts of Philippine soil, the Daughters of St Paul in collaboration with the Pauline cooperators of Pasay, Sr. Minerva, a Columban Sister and some lay leaders from our Lady of Fatima Parish held a Bible mission in Sarhento Mariano Public Cemetery in Pasay City on November 30, 2013.

Sarhento Mariano is one of the public cemeteries in Metro Manila which caretakers of the tomb and those working in the area call their “home.”  The settlers in the cemetery come from different parts of the Philippines, many of whom came to the city looking for greener pastures. Some of them have been residing there since the early 80’s. Up to three families live in the big mausoleums of the rich, which they clean and maintain for the wealthy families of the dead. Others have constructed houses atop the trees or in between the tombs.

Under the shade of the big tree which residents call their “social area,” the sisters and collaborators conducted the mission with zeal and enthusiasm. The people were happy to see the missioners and were attentive to know about the Bible. After the mission, the residents went home with a smile in their faces and a Bible in their hands. In spite of poverty and lack of a normal place to live in, the Word of God never fails to give hope and encouragement in the lives of the people of Sarhento Mariano Cemetery.

By: Sr Carmel Galula, fsp