Around 200 Pauline Mission Associates and friends attended the Advent recollection last November 26 at the Blessed James Alberione Auditorium of the Daughters of St. Paul, Pasay City. Fr. Jean Marie Rollin “Tuzzi” Flores, SSP engagingly discussed the theme: “Word of God: Source of Comfort and Companionship for Every Family” (Amoris Laetitia #22).
Fr. Tuzzi gave a life-giving reflection on the Parable of the Merciful Father. He passionately shared God's unconditional love and challenged the participants to make God's love alive in their families.
Many of the participants received the Sacrament of Reconciliation through the penitential service and confession that was held in the afternoon. The Advent Recollection culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Tuzzi.