Daughters of Saint Paul


Our spirituality is deeply rooted in St. Paul, the Apostle, whom Blessed James Alberione called the congregation’s true father, founder and protector.

Our apostolic dynamism is inspired by St. Paul’s examples who preached Christ with his own life and through letters during his time. If he were alive today, he would surely be using the internet and other digital means of communication available to spread the Gospel.

“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) Just as Paul lived his life in imitation of Christ, so we too strive to live our consecrated-apostolic life in imitation of our father.


Daily, we spend an hour of prayer in adoration of Jesus Master in the Blessed Sacrament, bringing before him the needs of humanity. For a Pauline sister, Jesus is her Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life. At prayer, we allow God’s light to penetrate us that we in turn may share His transforming love to the people we are called to serve.

We look up to Mary as our Mother, Teacher and Queen of Apostles. From her we receive formation to become a zealous Pauline apostle.