Daughters of Saint Paul

The Gift of Priesthood in the Pauline Family

April 24, 2010 saw a joyous coming together of Paulines in the FSP Alberione Auditorium in Pasay City. In this year dedicated to priests and the diamond jubilee of the Society of St. Paul in the Philippines, the Pauline Family offered a one day conference entitled “The Gift of Priesthood in the Pauline Family” to our lay collaborators, namely, the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC), Friends of the Divine Master (FDM), Lay Mission Partners, benefactors, apostolic collaborators, and youths. The objective was to illuminate our lay collaborators on how the Pauline Family exercise the ministry of priesthood in the Church, both the ministerial and the priesthood of the laity, according to the mind of Blessed James Alberione. Enlightenment would hopefully help each member to appreciate his/her own priesthood and live it better. Spearheaded by the Center of Pauline Spirituality and the APC National Directorate the event was held in the Alberione Auditorium, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Fr. Dominador Guzman set the atmosphere with his clear introduction of the topic and its significance. Fr. Mario spoke about the SSP’s priestly commitment to proclaim the Gospel through life and the communication ministry, Fr. Rolin Flores speaking about the parish ministry, paved the way for the talk of Fr. Joey Tuazon, the first member in the Philippines of the Institute Jesus the Priest. The women associated with the priestly zeal followed: Sr. Bernardita Dianzon, on “The FSP’s Priestly Ministry of Proclaiming the Gospel the Feminine Way after the Example of Mary;Sr. Anthony Basa, PDDM on “Collaborating with the Priests through the PDDM Threefold Ministry; Sr. Narcisa Penaredonda, on “Collaborating with the Shepherds in the Pastoral Care of the Parish.”

In the afternoon, Becky Callos, IOLA, Gil Granaderos, ISGA, Eli Santos, Institute of the Holy Family, Carlo Gimena, APC, and Sol Tiotuico, FDM, shared on how they live the priesthood of the laity at home and in the workplace.