Daughters of Saint Paul

Superiors Attend Leadership Seminar

During the Superiors’ Seminar on March 13-14, 2010, Mr. Bernardo Tocmo, Vice President of Metro Bank gave a talk on How to be a Good Leader and Team Building and Fr. Marlon Lacal on Spirituality and Leadership. Mr. Tocmo pointed out 5 Levels of Leadership: Leadership by Position, Permission, Production, People, and Personhood. If a leader wants to achieve excellence, he/she must have the ability to mobilize others to achieve ambitions and one should not be affected by negative behavior, work environment, world view and past experiences.

On the other hand, Fr. Marlon Lacal spoke on Spirituality and Leadership. He pointed out that spirituality is a divine-human relational process which touches the core of human existence. Such relationship is considered from the viewpoint of transformation namely: transformation in creation, transformation in re-creation, transformation in conformity, transformation in love, transformation in glory.